It's always a challenge to maintain the original intentions of a script the greater the amount of time that passes from inception to realisation and this film is no exception. Originally conceived as a fantastical study of a broken heart and fragile mind, I pushed the snowball over the hill and surprised myself by the momentum it gathered; family, friends and colleagues all supported me to make a much bigger and better film than I ever expected.
It is what is mind you, everything was shot on one day, everything on the storyboards that is. But - and here's the thing - the actors brought something more to the performance than I'd envisioned, effectively changing the ending - and for the better.
I pushed out the 90-second version within a week but spent a lot longer piecing the Director's Cut together.
Once again, serendipity played it's part and creativity, unburdened by a tight deadline, flourished. Once I had the rough cut before me, I could see what more I'd like to add... Well reshoots weren't an option, so I had to make do with using out takes, harsh crops and split-screens to make up the image I really wanted.
The finished film is best seen as a highly-evolved animatic, I think of it like The Evil Dead when compared to The Evil Dead II: The first film was a balls-to-the-wall experiment in film making, getting ideas out of their heads and onto the screen; the 'sequel' was more of a remake, now they know what they're doing with the cameras!
Will I ever remake this? I hope I never have to!